Samtök smærri bænda í Bandaríkjunum, National Farmers Union, hafa lagt sérstaka áherslu á málefni samvinnufélaga í október. Þau halda opna vefráðstefnu þann 31. október sem ber heitið "Að rækta samfélag - Samvinnuleiðtogar segja sína sögu". Hún er opin öllum og er lýst svo á vef NFU.
The cooperative business model is well-positioned to provide unique solutions for community problems. From developing markets for small agricultural producers to providing affordable electricity to rural communities, cooperatives can do it all... but not without the people who work to keep them going.
In this webinar, hear from three inspiring cooperative leaders about the services they provide their communities, how they got started in the cooperative space, and how you can get involved.